I saw the previews for this episode all weekend. I honestly couldn't wait to see what kind of crap dot, dot, dot would have come up with. And all he did was give a grammar lesson. Let's change the dot, dot, dot to a period. Are you kidding me? You fly half way across the world and that is the best you can come up with. No wonder I hate your guts. It was all I could do not to barf all over my TV when I saw his face. But I still don’t understand why you have to see him in and hear him speak to get closure. You could be able to get up and move on all on your own. If you had a little confidence and maturity you wouldn’t need to see or hear him to get closure. I'm sorry but I will never feel sorry for her and what she had to go through. Call me heartless; I don't care. Anyone who has common sense would have let him stay in the limo or let him go week 1. PERIOD. She put herself in that situation and she knew what she was getting herself into.
After the most awkward conversation ever, you have the first date in Hong Kong with Lucas. I said it last week and I will say it again this week. Who is Lucas? I feel like the first time I ever saw him was last week when they started to “tee off.” Now this week, he gets a one on one. Huh? I would have rather her have had a one on one with Ryan, the actor, then have to see that again. I don't get what she sees in him, or why he is still around. It was another boring date.
Then you have the rowing date where they have to find their rowing mates. Cue Ryan stage left. This guy is such wannabe actor. He is so fake with everyone he meet. He gets the team and then he will do whatever it takes to win so he looks like the "big dog." I don't buy it. It seems like all he wants is a reality show. He is so ungenuine. That little smile, tongue out, jump up when she walks in with a rose was nothing short of nauseating if you ask me. The only thing good about that entire date was the fact that my Josh Groban twins were on a team together in those red robes. Adorable.
The last one on one went to everyone’s crush except me JP or shall I say Jordan Paul. (Love the full name) I was very glad that he got another one on one. I think they are good for each other. I didn't mind that she told him before she told the rest of the guys about dot, dot, dot. That speaks volumes that she felt comfortable enough to say that to him.
After what I felt like honestly was a night that didn't live up to the previews (yet again) the drama began. The fact that she has been secretly keeping all this Bentley drama mostly to herself means something. I have always wondered why she hasn't brought it up with them yet but I guess that is what she wanted. The guys handled it like expected except for Ryan. Everything that came out of his mouth was garbage. It just proves what I said earlier about him being fake. Kudos to Mickey for following his gut and leaving after their conversation together. I wish he didn't have to leave so I could see that pretty face again but that is what the Men tell all special is all about right? Hated to see Blake go but from what I hear on twitter it is not the last we will see of him either.
Until next rose ceremony....