Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I have no words. NO WORDS. I am ashamed I live in Florida.

I have been following the Casey Anthony case since day 1; living in the Central Florida Area you can't possibly avoid it. All the 911 calls, the pictures of the "tot mom" partying, tattoo, decomposition smell, jail house videos, you name it. So, when the actual trial started I was watching it with every detail. Watching the parts I missed online, all the HLN recaps, Nancy Grace. Literally everything. All I wanted was for justice to be served.

Was it served today......NO NO NO NO NO.

I cannot possibly believe that this woman could walk out of the jail on Thursday a FREE WOMAN. It makes me so sick to my stomach. This woman YET AGAIN outsmarted everyone so she could stand there smiling like "look at me, I got away with it." She knew exactly what she was doing. The woman is INSANE TO THE BRAIN!!!!!

Then, her bozo defense team goes out and has a champagne toast, party all night like it's your birthday celebration and an INNOCENT child is not alive anymore. This was not the time to act like the big dog arrogant lawyer. All the smiles acting like they won a case when an innocent child is no longer with us is revolting. I can't even wrap my head around that.

Duct Tape should never be used on a person living or dead. The pictures and videos of Caylee had to have pulled on your heart strings in some way, shape or form. Lying to a police officer means you are hiding something. PERIOD. I am not even a mother myself and I was dumbfounded by the verdict.

Where was the justice for this little girl? How can Casey live with herself after knowing EXACTLY what happened to her daughter? She will never be able to get a job unless it's working for Baez or Bozo as I like to call him. I don't know how Casey's parents will be able to ever look at their daughter the same way again after dragging them through this GARBAGE for 3 years. Georges' face walking out after the verdict was read says something to me. He knows that justice was not done. All you needed was common sense to be able to know that something is not right, in not only the verdict but what Casey did in the first place. Tossing her out like she was trash is flat out DISGUSTING!!!!!

Casey will have her ultimate judgement day and he knows the truth.

RIP Caylee Marie Anthony.
You are in a much better place and will never be forgotten