How many times did Ashley say Bentley in tonight's episode? The answer: too many to count. Every time I heard any mention of the toolbox I was going to be sick. I understand the producers are asking her all the questions. I don't care. Her continuing to talk about him just continues to show me how naive she is. She mentions his name in every other sentence. Grow up and move on.
And they are off to Thailand. Seems like a great place to go. I wish I really could have seen it because all I saw was rain and I melt in rain. You would think that they would have checked for the forecast when they were planning to go because they could have avoided the monsoon.
The first date card arrives and it is one of my Josh Groban lookalikes Constantine. The elaborate date does not go as planned by the Renaissance Thailand concierge and they are on their own to explore. Constantine came out like a gem in his date. I love his low key attitude. "Cheers to not winning." WINNING!!!!!!
Last week the group date was about bashing others; this week it was all about helping and giving back. These dates are getting weirder and weirder by the week. I think that this was a great thing for them to do. I am just confused as to how this popped in their heads as they were planning dates. Like let’s do a comedy roast and then they can help rebuild an orphanage. I don't get it. That being said it was nice to be able to see everyone work together for a good cause. Now, I don't understand why everyone was complaining so much about Ryan during the date. Yes, the asking for alone time right before she hands out the rose was rude and disrespectful. No doubt. But I have to say that he was acting like his normal self when telling everyone what to do at the orphanage. Remember when he read off his resume to Ashley during the first episode, the 600 employees and all that. He was just doing what came naturally when he got there. The only reason he is on the show is to read off his resume, explain his company and what they do. He is always so happy because it's his character. He is acting. Now the best moment of that entire date was when Ben F. broke out the paint can started painting the mural. My heart melted.
The last one on one date went to Ames. Good choice but I was very surprised to see him get a rose. They had a boring date. The date was overall very monotone.
Ever sense last week Ashley just acts like she doesn't know up from down. She didn't come on this season knowing what she wanted. She seems to not even know who she is herself. I feel like after she got dumped by Brad Womack she immediately signed on this thing without honestly thinking if it was the right thing for her to do. If she knew herself and knew what kind of person she was looking for in a husband she would have not been under the spell known as Bentley and wouldn't have had to add a rose to tonight's rose ceremony.
That's all