Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Bachelorette Roast

Week 3 of The Bachelorette included a mob, roast, "home" date, mask reveal and the exit of the century.

The first one on one date went to Ben C, who is a guy, any girl would love to date. So why did he have to get the dumbest date ever? Flash dance mob?! Come on! I get that Ashley likes to dance. I got that week one when she had her somber dance moment on the big stage before falling to the ground to ponder life. Week 2 dancing with the JabbaWockeeZ. Week 3 Flash Dance Mob. Get the picture. Not only was the dance idea stupid, the actual dance was a horrible Just Dance moment to tacky techno music.

Then before the "lucky" bachelors leave for the group date, "Phantom" has to make the big reveal. "Hi, I'm Jeff" Bhahaha! Oh and what was up with the squirrel and the hawk? I never laughed so hard!! Priceless editing!

The comedy roast was asking for trouble. How can you honestly think that a roast is really going to bring anyone closer to finding "love"? It won't. Especially if you have to roast the person you are trying to win over. They did a similar roast on Jake's season and they were fine because they were not roasting him personally, but the other girls in the house. Now that being said, did William take it too far by saying he wished it was Emily or Chantal? NO! They were doing a COMEDY ROAST. You cannot take anything too personally when you put yourself in that kind of situation. She knew deep down that they were all expecting it to be Emily; I understand that was why she was hurt by it. Yes, but you were asking for it when you sat in the roast chair.

Bentley, Bentley, Bentley. Never in my life have I despised a name more. He makes me want to have no faith that there are any good guys out there. The stuff that comes out of his mouth is disgusting. The stuff he tried to pull while trying "leaving” was disgusting. The kissy kissy neck talk, gag me. I was sick to my stomach watching his side interviews and then to see what he said to her acting like he is this great father who misses his innocent daughter. Disgusting.

But what I can't get over is the fact that Ashley "claimed" that Bentley was the "one" after never having a one on one date with him. How naive can you be? He comes in with a giant red warning label and you want to run off to Salt Lake to be with him and his daughter after just knowing him a week or two. Give me a break. The reason why she kept him around was so she could prove that she could handle a bad boy like Ali did with Justin last season. But instead of making him man up, she has to go a cry about it. No idiot who says those things about you is worth the tears. Grow up!

Go from her crying like the world was ending to JP coming to her door for his date. This is when I am ready to blow at the producers for not stepping in. She can barely get out of the bed and the producers honestly expect for her to have a date right after. Are you kidding me? I have to give JP a lot of credit though for handling everything the way he did. Great guy if I do say so myself. (Top 2 prediction)

Normally, Chris Harrison has the easiest job in the world. This is the final rose. Please take a moment and say your goodbyes. Ryan Seacrest has nothing on him. But last night he proved me wrong. Finally some voice of reason coming out of his mouth. Everything he said was nothing short of perfection. Dot, dot, dot being a guy thing to do and a real man would move heaven and earth. You tell her Chris Harrison. Give her that Reality Check! She sure did need it.

I can't wait to hear her explanation tonight on Kimmel. She has a lot of explaining to do.
Until the Return of Bentley.
(Yes, you read it right)