Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A night at the ball

Last night was the glorious Met Ball.

I am always infatuated with this New York event every year without fail.

It's disturbing to me how much I love seeing all the celebrities walk up the grand stair case with press lined on either side. I don't even care what happens inside. I only care about my glorious carpet and the people who walk on it.

This year's Met Ball theme was punk.

When I think of punk, I think of high school and that is something that I NEVER want to think about again! (Trust me)

Sidenote: Add another picture as a reason we want Jennifer Lawrence as our best friend.
You're welcome.

Here are the fashion highlights of the night... All photos from people.com

Best Dressed

Hot Mess'

But the worst dressed of the night was...

Wall paper was meant for the wall. Not to wear on your body. 

To see more Fashion recap go to my Pinterest page.