The show started out with Tom Burgeron's hosting voice, "Welcome to Dancing with the Stars," and the show goes to a...commercial? Gotta love live TV!
First round of dances are dedicated to the Veterans in honor of Veteran's Day. To be honest with you, the only first round dance that stood out to me was Melissa. I loved her dance. She had great technique and looked fantastic. Tony has really done some amazing things with her. You can tell that he has been held back with his previous partners (cough cough Kate Gosselin).
Now it is onto my new obsession. Dancing Trio's. Obsessed.
- Shawn, Derek, Mark: Samba- 10. This dance was AMAZE-BALLS! I don't care what Len bump on a log says. That dance was the perfect mix of tribal and samba. How in the world did Bruno, you can never do wrong, Tonioli agree with Len that there wasn't enough samba in their dance. Of all people, I thought that Carrie Ann would think that. Bruno obviously didn't take his super hyper dance medication before the show and that is why they were late starting the show.
- Apolo, Karina, Sasha: Jive-9. Most guts of the night goes to Apolo for being the only celeb to choose a pro of the same sex to dance with on the trio. I didn't know what to expect. I did find myself comparing him to Sasha quite a bit but it really didn't matter because the dance was fantastic.
- Kristie, Maks, Tristan: Paso doble-7. Angel wings? Really? I don't see how in the world they mattered to her dance. They were a huge distraction. I am a huge Kirstie fan. I quote It Takes Two like nobody's business, (don't judge) but it just wasn't good.
- Kelly, Val, Louis: Jive-7. MOVE YOUR FEET. It is a jive for crying out loud. Did her feet weigh 30 pounds? I don't get it. I understand that it was hard choreography I get it. Louis is the best choreographer on the show most likely. But YOU choose him. That dance was honestly one of the biggest disappointments of the night.
- Gilles, Peta, Chelsie: Salsa- 9.5. He is so good. I love the way he moves. I do think that he lost timing a little bit but overall I wanted to be one of those girls fighting for a chance to dance with Gilles. Oh Gilles. Why? Why are you married?
- Emmitt, Cheryl, Kym: Salsa- 9. The man can move. No doubt. I just didn't like the choreography The dance really just showed off Cheryl and Kym. (Insert British accent here) Sorry.
- Melissa, Tony, Henry: Paso doble- 10. She can just naturally dance. She is such a happy go lucky woman, I was shocked to see her so aggressive. I loved it. She danced to my favorite Adele song of all time. Therefore, she was destined for a perfect night!
Double elimination tomorrow night. Scary. Who do you think will go home?