Go from hometown dates of seeing your parents to being whisked away to Fiji and getting the (what we are all expecting) “Should you choose to forgo your individual rooms.” We all know that this was coming so it’s not like it’s a huge surprise. I guess the only thing that was a surprise was someone trying to win another shot. How original, someone trying to get more air time. Was I surprised that it was Ryan, the actor? NO!!! He comes back in his plaid shirt, tacky shorts with his hands behind his back looking like he is up to something. The dude is crazy to the brain but then again that is the character he is trying to portray. But what I find hilarious is that he doesn’t want for her to answer now but later. Then due to priceless editing we see him hanging out in trees, and looking to god for answers while waiting for the time to pass by. Newsflash dude you said you wanted her to think about it. Did you think that she wasn’t going to go on the dates with the guys she choose to see if she still liked them before dealing with your crisis.
The first one on one date went to Ben. They go snorkeling, and get to go on what Ben calls “a nice boat.” Queue the, “I’m on a boat" soundtrack! Things get a little to steamy and they start applying sunscreen like its massage oil. That’s when I immediately change the channel. I get it. You like each other. No need to show everyone. They get done with this part of the date and go to dinner. I think Ben may have taken his sister’s shirt to Fiji with him because a sheer V-neck is never flattering on a man. Bad Visual, even on him.
Constantine is the next up at bat. Annoying habit number 872 of Ashley, would be her claiming that she planned all these elaborate dates when in all reality she had nothing to do with planning them. Anyways, they go on a nice helicopter ride and go jumping through waterfalls. How poetic? Let’s not forget about that picnic and the awkward conversation that went with it. This girl obviously after dating 25 men at one time still has yet to figure out what she wants. Because then they continue the picnic conversation at dinner and she can’t stop talking about how much time they have but hopes they will get more in the fantasy suite. Constantine is getting ready to exit stage left at the thought of an overnight card and then “We now interrupt you for a special announcement” Now I understand our economy needs MAJOR help. But did you have to interrupt the most interesting part of the show Obama. Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled programming; Constantine bails fast. Ashley tells him they don't have a lot of time...yet she's mad he didn't give their relationship time. Say what???
Constantine leaves making many wonder if Ryan was going to get a second chance. I knew otherwise. No way possible she would give him a chance; mostly by the way he reacted when she was at the door. She says that he was the hardest guy to say goodbye to and clearly she doesn’t remember her oh so memorable exit conversation with dot dot dot. I love how many times Ryan talks about how it will all happen. No matter how many times you say it, it doesn’t mean that it’s all going to happen like that. This isn’t the Wizard of Oz.
The last date of the week goes to JP. They had a great date of playing in the water and so on. Then you go to their dinner conversation and it just makes me wonder why does she always just tell JP what is going on. She told him about the dot dot dot situation. Now she is spilling the beans about Constantine, and Ryan coming back. It’s always JP that she has these conversations with.
Then with only 2 guys left she still has to have a rose ceremony. The idea that it’s all about if they say yes is a bunch of horse hockey. No it’s not. You know it. They are going to say yes even if they don’t want to.
Next week is the lovely Men Tell All special. I have never been so excited for one in all my Bachelorette history. Why you may ask. Bentley will show his face. EPIC!!!!!!!!!!! I mean we have had bad boys on bachelorette. But they have never shown up on Men Tell All. So this will be a first.
Have the popcorn ready girls. It will be awesome!!!!!!