Monday, July 18, 2011

Tell the world that they are coming home.

It's hometown date time. This is probably one of my favorite dates/episodes that they do. I love how excited everyone gets about the idea of meeting their potential in-laws when they aren’t even engaged.
I hate how they live in this imaginary world that this will all work out when meanwhile Ashley has 3 other families that she has to meet. All the mom’s talking about, "I could see her fitting in our family." Give me a break. You met her 2 minutes ago and you are already seeing a future of grandchildren.
Constantine is the first hometown adventure for Ashley.  They go to the restaurant that his family owns and I am in love. But what the heck was up with him hugging all the staff and still holding Ashley’s hand. Not to mention the girls all hanging around by the window staring them down. AWKWARD. The best part of the entire date was Constantine’s mom. I wish they would have shown more of their conversation.  I think they probably had more of an intense conversation and all we got was the rainbow and butterfly version about her living anywhere for her man. Ashley mainly left when she did with Brad because she couldn’t decide or picture herself living in Texas with him. So why now when she is asked about moving for a man she would. It makes no sense to me. On the other hand, I loved that they got all of his family involved and did the traditional Greek dance. To be honest, I think I fell more in love with his family then probably she did.
Ames’ family talking about how healthy he looked couldn’t help but make me laugh hysterically. Why wouldn’t he look healthy? Did you think he was going to a mental hospital? And then they started talking about how different he is bringing Ashley home then from the other old girlfriends was hilarious. Of course he’s different. You didn’t notice the rather large camera and production crew following him? But what his sister said about his romantic side was no joke. He won me over big time. Maybe he should just plan dates for the bachelor when this is all done because we all know we don’t want to have to go through another comedy roast again.
This hometown date is going to be a weird one for me. Because I hate that Ashley is into Ben still. HE is supposed to be my guy. I guess I could imagine myself as Ashley.  If Ben cut his hair he would no longer look like he was Josh Groban and that would be a MAJOR problem. I fell more in love with him today after seeing him with his family. Isn’t my man incredible?   
JP was the last of the hometown dates.  I kind like the idea of a roller skating date. The only problem is that they are missing the outfits, but then again they got the disco ball and music. I hate her stupid let’s do the kissy kissy pout lips talk. It just makes her seem like she is 5 years old.  I know everyone thinks that they are together in the end. And I just don’t see it. Even though he is real, I just feel like something is not right about them. He has some issues about relationships and she has MAJOR issues. Maybe it’s an insecurity thing. I honestly don’t know. It wasn’t until this week that I really noticed it. Like him coming home really made him think about everything happening. But that Kirk Cameron Picture was priceless.
The previews for the last couple of episodes seem good. Next week’s seems boring. I am very excited about the final episode. For once in the entire Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise we have an honest family reaction. Ashley’s sister saying that one of them is not right for her is music to my ears. I cannot stand the idea of let’s all be nice because we are on TV. We will see…
On the brightside…Ashley never said Bentley.
Congratulations Ashley!!!